

Thursday, March 28, 2019


Jacob and I headed to Mom's house around 9:00.  Vikki and the kids came over today too.  Mom made homemade bread and egg salad sandwiches for lunch which was so yummy!  We helped Dad do some more cleaning in his shed.  Also got the wooden swings out and set up.  Dad was taking the kids for a ride in the big wagon pulled by his tractor so Vikki and I hopped in for a ride too.  We had fun!  Vikki, Mom, Jacob and I played a game of 3-13 and Jacob won.  Dad and Jacob loaded the van up with new tools including an air compressor and a drill press.  Jacob helped Jared and I oraganize the work shop at home.

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

You all were such a great help. Thank you. Jared's workshop is looking good.