

Thursday, May 18, 2017


Adam came to lay next to our bed at around 5:30.  Soon he was up and went to wake his brothers. The boys played with balloons for awhile and then Adam wanted to see his cake.  Eli gave Adam his birthday spankings and Adam gave Eli some spankings back. Then Eli said, "Ok, I'll take the presents!"  Adam was ready to open presents before breakfast.  He got some candy and gum, a fidget spinner, glow sticks,  a book, little squirt guns, a foam water board, a zing bow, and a lego ninjago set.  Adam wasn't really feeling well so he skipped breakfast and started building his lego set.  Adam took cookies to school for a birthday snack.   I came home and did some mowing on the lawn.  At around 11:00 I headed to school for a picnic with Eli.  I stopped and picked him up a Happy meal for lunch.  Jared left work early and also came to the picnic.  It was super windy today.  Eli greeted us with hugs and we headed outside.  After eating Eli had fun playing with Lane, Jayden, Bobby and Gage.  We walked Eli to his classroom and then went to the office to sign Adam out for the day.  He spent the next few hours putting together his new legos set and was on the last step when his brothers got home from school.  We headed to McDonalds to eat and the boys had lots of fun playing there.  At home Adam and Eli played minecraft together.  We took a walk in the woods and took care of the sheep.  Then Adam came outside to shoot his new bow.  He shot one over the house but couldn't find the arrow.  We searched for it and even looked on the roof.  We ended up finding it over near the coop.  We sang to the birthday boy and he blew out his candles.  They were trick candles and it was really funny to watch Adam try to blow them out.  While eating cake and ice cream we watched Clone wars.  Adam got to stay up a little later tonight and we played legos with him.  Then he lay on his cot with the kitten and we watched I Love Lucy.  It was such a fun day celebrating with our 10 year old!


Grandma R said...

Super, super birthday... Happy Birthday 10 year old Adam...

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Love all the birthday pictures and Eli's bucket list picture. A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY SWEET ADAM1