

Sunday, March 30, 2014



This afternoon Jared and I were outside cleaning stalls and looked out in the paddock to see a bald eagle circling over our paddock.  We watched it for awhile until it flew away.  
Ewe#16 had a slight prolapse so we put in a prolapse retainer.

This evening Jared and I went out to the barn to fix ewe #16's prolapse retainer.  I looked around at the ewe's and lambs and noticed that one of the lambs was struggling to stand.  Then I noticed that it didn't have an ear tag either.  Ewe #47 had just delivered twins.  Jared went to the house to get Kenzie and I moved the ewe and lambs to a stall.  Kenzie clipped/dipped the lambs and we stripped the ewe.  Both lambs are boys, weighing 11 lbs 3 oz and 7 bs 15 oz.  We couldn't get the smaller lamb to nurse so we tubed it some colostrum from its mom.  After a couple hours its mouth was feeling a little cool so we tubed it a couple more oz of colostrum.  By our next check at 5am both lambs had nice warm mouths and were doing good.  

1 comment:

Vikki's Blog said...

I love the pic of them having a picnic...our kids are sure cute!