Jacob came down to our bedroom this morning holding his new book. After lunch Adam got the Thomas puzzle out and we worked on putting that together. Eli had his shirt off and tried to put it on Daddy. He often drops things into Normans's cage and tried to shove his shirt in there too. Adam and I played yatzee and Jacob and Daddy played Connect 4. Eli napped for a little over 3 hrs this afternoon. While he was napping we went outside to work on our fence. We’re taking down old fence and going to be putting up new with plans on getting sheep to raise. Since not having horses our paddocks have overgrown with thorny brush. Jared worked on taking down fence while I used the loppers to cut down the brush. There is alot to do out there and we will be having lots of boom fires. Jacob and Adam had a great time playing together out there. They put a bunch of sticks against the tree to make a fort. This evening we watched Spy Kids.
1 comment:
Hmmmmm. . . . sheep to raise.
It sounds as if this may be a place to stay for a while longer.
Is it time to think about adding on a room or two?
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