

Thursday, May 5, 2011


The boys had a great time playing at church this morning. After church we ate packed lunch in the van. It was such a beautiful day outside. We then went to Salvation army.  My sister Vikki was there too. We all then headed to Tim Horton's. Adam wanted to drive with Aunt Vikki so I moved his car seat into her car. The boys enjoyed their donuts. We also stopped at Goodwill. Adam was excited to get his own flip flops (he's always wearing mine). Vikki got to come with us to get Jacob off the bus. Eli napped until just before dinner. The boys played together on the back deck. Vikki got a fetal doppler and we got to hear the baby's heartbeat. Eli was taking more steps this evening, walking from one thing to another. Of coarse when we try to get him to walk (for a video) he complains and refuses to walk.

1 comment:

LRussell said...

Is it really warm enough to paint the deck and stick ones head in the water? Probably not but who cares anyway. Pictures are wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Goodwill...the perfect place to shop. I hit everyone on the North side of town. We should go together sometime.