

Saturday, February 26, 2022


 Jacob drove the car to get our Sat goodies.  They also dropped off a package at the post office.  We played some bedwars this morning.  Then Jared and I worked on the loom making a rag rug.  Jacob practiced his instrument.  Eli and Adam played with legos in their rooms.  Jacob drove to Bay city to take his first clarinet lesson with a private instructor.  His lessons are every Saturday from 5:30 - 6:00.  Eli and I finished our game of war.  Eli wanted to quit and I was getting cocky about how many cards I had.  Then Eli won a couple of my A's and a couple of my jokers and the game took a turn.  We sure had fun.  I ended up loosing.  Eli and I went out to take care of the animals.  Eli was carrying in a bag of wood pellets and he fell back on the ice.  I picked up the bag off of him and he got up and took it back.  He fell again hard at the bottom of the steps.   When Jacob got home from practice he went right in his room to practice his instrument.  He really enjoyed his first lesson.

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

The rag rug you are making is beautiful. Looks like Wyatt wants to help, but is just too tired. Poor Eli falling twice. He looks so happy carrying that bag. I'm glad Jacob is taking lessons and loves to practice. His Chosen Hat, and Sweatshirt look so good on him.