

Saturday, October 2, 2021


 The boys were up early watching tv.  After church we played some minecraft.  Adam had a soccer game at 1:00.  We got there at 12:30.  We set up our sunbrella because it was supposed to rain.  It thundered so we had to get off the field for 30 min.  It thundered a couple more times so the game was delayed.  It rained the entire game but no more thunder.  It was a fun game to watch.  We won 6-0.  Jacob had alot of homework so he and Eli stayed home.  We stopped for groceries and pizza on the way home.  We ate a really late lunch.  Had alot of fun played minecraft with the boys on our hard core server.  Peyton and Isaac came on to play for a little while too.  

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Sportsbrellas are so nice! Nice how the kids can play together when they want to.