

Friday, April 9, 2021


 We got a call early this morning saying school was closed due to a power outage.  After Jared left for work I made handles and trimmed mugs.  I woke the boys just before 8:00.  They were all so happy about school being closed.  I finished my mugs and then we headed to Nana and Papa's.  Jacob and Adam helped Papa put the mower deck on his tractor.  Nana made iced coffee and we sat on the deck and visited.  Eli sat with us.  Papa, Jacob and Adam played 3-13 and Jacob won.  Jacob and Papa were just a few points apart. Adam had a really high score.  Papa and the boys went to the store to get gravel.  They stopped at McDonalds for lunch.  Nana and I played 3-13 and I won.  Vikki came over with the kids after work. Jacob and Adam helped Papa fill his lawn roller with gravel.  Dad used his tractor to pull an old telephone pole out off the ground.  Jacob dug under it so they could strap it to the tractor.  Jared got home before us and said it got super windy like it yesterday.  The boys played Minecraft.  Jared and I played 3-13 and then we took a walk in the woods.  

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

I'm glad school was cancelled so you could all come over and spend the day. The boys were a great help to Papa again and you couldn't have timed getting here better. He was just going to put the mower on by I don't know with having to be careful of his shoulder. Thank you to those wonderful grandsons!