

Monday, January 11, 2021


 After taking the boys to school I went shopping for groceries.  I stopped at the post office on my way home.  A lady sent us pictures of her husbands favorite mug that broke.  Today I made mugs that are  a similar shape.  She plans on giving it to him for Valentines day.  Jacob had drivers training from 3:15 to 5:15.  He said it was good and there are 14 kids in his class.  We got 40 cubic of packing peanuts delivered today.  It came in two bags but the driver said one bag ripped and spilled all over.  He had a huge semi parked on our road.  Adam and Eli helped me carry the peanuts to the tack room.  Adam fell on our icy driveway.  Jared and I played 3-13 and he won.  It was a close game.  This evening we had popcorn pop and ice cream and watched some Full House episodes.


Lela F Russell said...

Nothing worse than spilling your peanuts. Woo...I've seen those peanut containers. The tack room must be full. Barn pictures look like fun. Noticed JB in full winter gear. Not so with the boys. 3/13. Daddy skunked me. He was way in the negative and I was way, way in the positive. Humm...isn't it better to have a positive attitude than a negative one. I'm assuming you got the email report on Daddy's zoom dr. call. Collecting info is what it's called. Another information collecting day for me. Won't know anything until Mon.

Lela F Russell said...

Once again...the barn pictures are beautiful. Looking for some babies!!!!What were those big boys up to. They sure had the giggles. I flunked the robot question. Parking included a mailbox. What was that about.

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

I like Eli's little smile in the second picture. So happy your boys are close and have fun together. You both are doing a great job bringing those boys up! Love you!