

Sunday, October 18, 2020


Eli shooting a spider with the salt blaster.

Today Vikki and I celebrate 43 years.  The boys and Daddy gave me some wonderful homemade cards and I opened a new memory foam pillow.  It was wrapped in a blanket that was around Eli.  Mom and Dad called to sing to me.  They are driving to Arkansas.  After church we played a game of soccer with the boys.  They didn't let me win even on my birthday.  This afternoon we went to Vikki's house so we could spend our birthday together.  We picked up pizza's to eat on the drive there.  It was a rainy day.  We stopped at Mom's on the way to move her fern plant to the back deck.  It's been windy and the plant get blown over easy.  We also got some wood for Vikki's fireplace.  The kids played minecraft on the xbox.  Vikki got a new phone for her birthday so they gave me Vikki's old phone.  Its really nice!  Thank you Vikki and Rody!  We had a nice visit and had some yummy cake. We facetimed Mrs Bilby who was our teacher and principal long ago.  We had such a nice visit with her.  We also facetimed Mom and Dad and then called to talk to Melissa.  We stopped at the grocery store on our way home.  At home we had popcorn pop and ice cream.  We also had some yummy angel food cake with strawberries and cool whip on top.  


Lela F Russell said...

The 4 amigos. Made me laugh outloud when I figured out the message. What fun. Adam is STILL growing. Good grief...where will he stop. Jared needs a box. It would not have shown in the picture. There's a whole lot of men in that picture. Good to know you have a good birthday celebration.

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

So happy to talk to you and FaceTime with you on your birthday! I’m very thankful to be your mom! You are one of the three best daughters ever!!!i I love you forever!