Trick or Trot - heading off to the starting gate
This is a 5K race
Jacob coming to the finish. We haven't got his time yet but it was under 30 min.
Eli soccer game
Jacob was feeling very sick
Adam's soccer game.
Jacob wearing his new trick or trot t-shirt.
Playing minecraft. They are putting together a huge minecraft surprise for Eli.

We went out for our Saturday goodies. Wyatt was happy because he got two timbits at Tim Horton's. He gets so excited when we pull into the drive thru. As soon as we got home we had to leave to take Jacob to school for the trick or trot race. The race was a staggered race and started at 10:00. Jacob was finished around 10:30. He ate a banana and drank some water. We stayed for awhile but then had to leave to get to Eli's soccer game. Jacob and Adam sat in the van and read. Eli's team played really hard. They lost 5-1. When we got back to the van Jacob looked pale and said he was feeling sick. He was nauseous and had a bad headache. At home we gave him some ibuprofen. He took a long nap on the couch. Adam had a 4:00 soccer game. Jacob and Eli stayed home. Adam played center defense for the first half of the game. When the team has a good lead in the score the couch will let them play other positions. Adam played center offense for a little while and had two really good shots on goal. He played midfield briefly and then was put back on defense. They scored just as he was being switched. A small kid ran hard into Adam but Adam didn't budge. The kid flew back to the ground. We heard the other coach ask that kid what it felt like running into a brick wall. Then the coach told him to watch out for the high school senior (talking about Adam). Adam thought that was funny. Adam's team won 8-1. We stopped at McDonalds to get Adam a McFlurry. Jacob was feeling better when we got home. He said Wyatt laid on him almost the whole time we were gone. After dinner the boys played minecraft with Nik. Then they gave us our minecraft tour. Eli was really sad that he had died and lost all the items he was carrying. While he was giving us his tour Jacob and Adam worked on a huge minecraft surprise for Eli. They made a cool tree and around it were several shulker boxes. Eli opened each one and they were fill with tons of awesome minecraft items. He was so so happy.
The bucket says it all. Knew he was sick even before I read the post. It looks like a sleeping room. Not a living room! The blankst pile in the corner could be another kid like Eli! I'm assuming Jacob is better. The minecraft thing is funny. Wish I knew more about it all. Big brothers got little brother for sure. So good to know that Adam gets to play different positions. Better all around player I would think.
Nice that Jacob ran in the 5K and his time was good! Too bad he got sick, but glad he felt better later. So funny about Adam, the brick wall and senior ha ha! Very good score! At least Eli's team didn't get skunked. Cute picture of Jared and Wyatt napping...I could hardly find Jared. I'm so glad your boys care about each other so much. So sweet of Jacob and Adam to do that for Eli. I'm proud of those boys!
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