

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


The boys watched some tv and then I read to them until Eli's 9:30 zoom meeting.  The boys worked on school work and attended their zoom meetings.  Adam and I played a couple games of chess.  Adam hauled the deck wood to old garden and then set it on fire.  Eli and I sat on the glider and then moved to the swing in the woods.  Jacob worked on splitting wood.  The wood was tough with lots of knots so it took many hits.  Jacob said it was fun.  I worked in the woods digging up a bunch things I wanted out.  When Jared finished work he came out and sat on the swing.  We took a walk in the woods.  Jacob made a fire and we sat by it for awhile.  After dinner we came back outside and sat by the fire.  Jacob chopped some more wood.  We made smore's.  Then I read to the boys until it was too dark.  Came inside and read the bible before tucking the boys in bed.

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