

Wednesday, April 29, 2020


sandhill cranes

It rained all night and most of the day today.  Adam had a zoom meeting at 9:00 and Eli had his at 9:30.  I went outside to take care of the sheep.  I redid some fencing so the ewe's can get into the small paddock between theirs and the rams paddock.  They were happy to go in with the long grass.  We are planning on removing the fence between these two area's eventually.  After Jacob's zoom meeting we read Jacob's Choice until Jacob's 2:00 zoom.  We read again after that meeting.  He had another meeting at 4:30.  When Jared got out of work we hauled some trash down to the dumpster and also put some things at the end of the road.  The boys and Daddy played minecraft until dinner time.  After dinner we took a walk in the woods.  Then we went to town so I could get some groceries.

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