

Thursday, April 23, 2020


Adam had a zoom meeting at 9:00 and Eli's math meeting started at 9:30.  Jacob a meeting at 11:30.  After the boys finished school work we watched the Hope Rising Concert. We read Little House for a long time.  I worked on shampooing the other half of the living room. It looks so nice.  Eli went outside and came back in saying that something funny happened in the chicken coop.  He said a chick flew over to wall and was loose in the coop.  He thought it was pretty funny.   When Jared was done with work we went outside to take care of the animals.  Eli came with us.  Gavin came over and with a homemade card.  He put it in the back of our van which was already open.  The card was really cute.  We went in the barn and found Eli's old polish chicken had died in the bucket where the chicken lay their eggs.  She was moving slow yesterday.  We had spaghetti for dinner.  After dinner Jared, Adam and I played several games of Sequence.

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