

Thursday, October 19, 2017


Donuts with Dad's!

This morning Daddy took Eli to the school for donuts's with Dad's.  After dropping off Jacob and Adam off I went to the elementary to give Jared a sweatshirt for Eli.  At work today I spilled a pan of chicken broth because the ranch bottle fell off the top shelf in the fridge.  It was right before a lock down drill so I had to wait to clean it up.  What a mess!  I wasn't the only one to make a mess today.  Teresa spilled applesauce all over the floor.  I was on register today and Adam came through my line to buy a cotton candy ice cream treat.  This afternoon I made batts and spun Della's wool.  Nik came over and the boys played in the sand until dinnertime.  Jared and I stained the table.  After dinner we took a walk in the woods.  This evening we played a fun game of soccer with the boys.  Jacob and Adam against Daddy, Mommy, and Eli.  Steve (the kitty) loves to chase the soccer ball.  Jared and I did some spinning after the boys were in bed.

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