

Thursday, October 12, 2017


This afternoon I worked on adding fringe to Maude's wool rug because the old fringe had worn off.  Jacob came home from school and asked if I noticed anything different about him.  He was holding the lense from his glasses because a screw had fallen out.  We packed lunches and then I went over spelling words with Adam.  He had all the words spelt before I gave him the first word.  Jacob and Eli had math work to do and then I went over spelling words with Eli.   Jared got home just before 5:00.  He and Adam headed to soccer and on the way stopped to get Jacob's glasses fixed.  Both pair needed a screw.  At home Jacob and I played some monopoly.  Eli stayed in the tub until the water was cold.  I did some cleaning.  Jared and Adam stopped for some groceries on their way home.

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