

Sunday, December 27, 2015


Christmas at Grandma and Grandpa's!

I knitted these lambs for Grandma and Grandpa and Jared knitted their outfits.  The dark one is made from Oscars wool and the light one is made from Della's.  And the outfits are their wools blended together.  

Russell boys!

sick boy

We left early this morning for Indiana.  On our drive there Jacob started complaining that he didn't feel good.  He puked a couple times so we made some extra stops.  Grandma and Grandpa arrived home from church soon after we got to their house.  Jacob lay down on his sleeping bag in the computer room.  Kat, Eric, Andrew and Noah soon arrived.  Jacob was feeling a little better when it was time to open presents.  We started by opening our stockings from Grandma and Grandpa.  In the boys stockings were colored pencils, matchbox cars, chip clips, m&m's and parts to a snow art kit.  They also each got a gift card to Barnes and Noble!  Jacob also got some weaving sticks.  Oh and Grandma made the boys these awesome wall hangings from Copper Harbor drift wood and pebbles.  She painted the boys names on them! Aunt Kat and Uncle Eric got the boys each a cool light saber, and some star wars candy!  Jared got some really nice gloves, socks, and m&m's.  I got a heated mug that plugs into the car to keep my coffee really warm!  Jared and I got a bee and chicken wall hanging.  And we all got some knitted headbands in the boys school colors.   Thank you for everything!   The boys had fun playing together.  They had light saber battles,  played hide and seek, and watched TV.  Grandma made some yummy pizza for dinner.  Jacob ate some crackers and sipped on some 7up.   He started feeling sick again.  He lay on the couch and fell asleep.

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