

Thursday, February 28, 2013


                            Eli has his eye protection on - haha

Nana and Papa came over this evening to celebrate Eli turning 3! Papa surprised the boys with blocks he'd made for them. He let them each pick out one and signed it for them. Adam picked out the smallest block he could find. The boys played with them while we got dinner ready. We made sloppy jo's for dinner.After dinner Eli opened his presents from Nana and Papa. He got a doctor kit, a nerf gun, and extra nerf darts. He had fun playing with his new toys. After awhile we lit the candles on the cake and sang to the birthday boy. Eli sang Happy Birthday along with us. I'd asked Eli what cake he wanted for his birthday and he kept saying a Monster truck cake and a spiderman cake. So Jacob suggested that I make a Spiderman Monster truck cake.  Eli really liked his cake. We had a really fun evening celebrating Eli's birthday. Tonight Adam had me pull his tooth which was very loose. He's been asking for an apple because he really wanted the tooth out.                                                                                            

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Jacob made these glasses with my origami calendar.

Boys hiding on Daddy

                                           We are SO happy to have Daddy home!!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Our handsome boys!!!

This evening Vikki and I took the kids to McDonald's. They had lots of fun!

Monday, February 25, 2013


Here is some more of Jacob's pottery. His coil pot is the short one in front. He also made a large bowl in class tonight. The first thing he said after leaving the classroom was, "I can't wait to sign up for the next class!"

                                  I love Jacob's pottery!!!

Vikki and the babies came over this evening to spend the night. They brought Eli's birthday gifts. He got some boxing gloves, a spiderman, and over 1000 spiderman stickers.

Peyton wanted to try on the boxing gloves:)

Sunday, February 24, 2013


 Daddy had to leave this evening for work out of town. He will be back Wednesday evening. We are sure going to miss him!!

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Adam woke several times during the night to ask, "Is it morning yet?" The boys were up early and we ate breakfast at the hotel. They love the little cereal boxes and milks.

 Right after breakfast the boys got dressed for swimming. They spent another couple hours in the pool. They had so much fun! Jacob practiced holding his breath under water. And after a little while he was even jumping in the pool without his floaties on. Checkout was at 11:00.

                                                          Warming up in the hot tub.

                                The boys had fun playing in the snow with Daddy this afternoon.