

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Adam had an accident during the night and crawled into our bed.  This morning Jacob came running to our bed when he realized that Adam was gone. He said he was scared and cuddled close for awhile. Grandma made the boys some pancakes for breakfast. We were visiting while the boys played with marbles. Grandma said to Eli, "Your very verbal." He looked at his shirt and said, "I not purple!" Grandma showed us how boys used to play marbles and we played some games of that. Grandma let Adam keep the clown wig and socks which he was happy about. Jacob did a little more sewing on Grandma's machine. We were on the road around 10 am. Around noon I we stopped at a grocery store to get some things to make lunch and so the boys could use the restroom. We got home around 3:30. It was 43 degrees in the house, burr! Jacob and Adam played in the bath tub for a long time. Then they laid in our bed with the heated mattress pad on. Jacob wasn't feeling well so when it warmed up I made him a bed in the office and he watched some videos in there. Adam helped Jared and I take down the Christmas tree this evening. 

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