Eli made some reins.
He caught a chicken
Adam helping Daddy pick up grass

This morning Eli and I went shopping at Salvation army. Most things there were 50% off today. We had a good time and found a few good deals. Jacob and Adam said they wanted to have "boy time" with Daddy. This afternoon we switched paddocks for the lambs and the ram (and goat). I don't know how many time during this I said, "Sheep are so dumb." First we got the lambs in an area between paddocks and put gates up to keep them in there. We bribed them with corn but it still took awhile to get them in there. Then Jared and I went in the paddock to catch the ram. I had a super soaker with me It actually wan't very hard to catch him once we got him in the lean to. We trapped him behind the hay feeder with me using the super soaker so he would come my way and Jared caught him. While Jared held him I led (dragged) Clarence (our goat) to the new paddock. It was 90+ degrees and dragging him wasn't too fun and he was really fighting it. Then I went to help Jared move the Kenny (the ram). He lead him and I pulled on his tail to move him forward. Then I got behind him and pushed him forward. After getting him in his paddock we took the lambs out of the blocked area we had them in and put them in their new paddock. They went in there better than I thought they would (for corn). Then we caught the two lambs we'd decided to keep and moved them in with the ewes. We are glad to have that job done. Tomorrow the boys start school! Jacob starts 2nd grade and Adam starts Kindergarten! WOW! The summer went by way to fast!
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