

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Eli's bed (table area). Still a few things left to do but it will be ready for Copper Harbor:)

Here's a reminder of how things used to look.


Melissa said...

Wow!!! Interesting to see all the pictures. You guys are going to have a totally new camper when you're finished. Or should I say tent on wheels. :) Can't wait to see it when it's all finished.

Mom R said...

A few things? Looks like a who bushel of few things? Don't forget the top. Still need to figure out how to set the tent up. It's way to hot to use the brain for that project.

Mom s said...

You did such an amazing quality job on it. Love seeing the pictures! Couldn't believe the difference when I saw it today. Proud of you!

LRuss said...

Did you add two more pictures? Humm...I see a table. We'll be over to use it!