

Monday, July 30, 2012

7-30-12 (Day 3)

Hiking out to Hunter's Point

Daddy showing the boys how to stand

Jared and I got up during the night to zip the windows shut because it was raining. We went back to sleep until around 7:30 this morning. Except Jacob, he slept in until ~10am. Grandpa pulled Eli’s hood up onto his head and Eli told Grandpa he was funny. After breakfast Daddy and the boys went for a bike ride. Eli stayed at the campsite with me and I did some knitting. I set up the table in the camper and the boys did some drawings in there. Jared caught some flies and gave them to a hornet that was flying around. He’d set the flies on the arm of his chair and the hornet (named Charlie) would come get them.  Charlie took about 30 flies. Eli napped until lunchtime. This afternoon we went to hike at Hunter’s Point. We hiked the trail to the beach. It rained a little while we were there. Then we hiked along the beach to the Point. Daddy and the boys climbed up on the huge rocks out near the point. The boys wanted me to come up there so Daddy came down with Norman and I went up. The boys were so cute as they helped me over the rocks. They’d say, “You might need a little help here,” and hold out their hand to help me. Jacob found a little frog in some water up there. The boys had fun collecting rocks. Jacob had his pants so full with rocks that he had to keep pulling them up. As we were walking back Jacob talked about being a good hiker and then said, “I only use my legs when I need them.”  Back at camp Jacob took his rocks over to show them to Grandma. We went on some bike rides and then took a walk around camp with Grandma. The boys rode their scooters. Adam’s scooter fell onto my heel and cut it – ouch! Grandma watched Norman for us so we could all go on a bike ride together. The boys were playing with Daddy and close pinned him to his chair. We went out for ice cream but Eli didn’t want any. He just wanted to play on the truck.


Uncle Dee said...

You have no more little boys. It is very clear from these pictures. All the little boys are gone.

Vikki's Blog said...

Great Pictures! I figured I better get on here if I wanna see some "kimmy" pics, cuz I havent seen any from ya on facebook :) Had a great time at your house today!!! Love ya

mom s said...

I love seeing these vacation pics. So glad you are putting each day on for us to enjoy. I had fun at your house too. Never boring!!! Love you xoxox