He didn't wear this sweatshirt very long. Both boys do not like wearing hoodies.

At home Eli asked to wear Jacob’s hat and sat to draw at the counter just like Jacob did this morning. He loves his ball toys and also hits the balls around the room with the hammer. We cuddled on the couch to watch Curious George. Eli stands with his back to the fire and then runs away saying, “hot!” He mostly played with his Little People toys this morning. I knitted Eli a pair of slippers which I finished this afternoon. Adam played his jump start Wii game after lunch. Eli was ready for a nap and we woke him before going to get Jacob off the bus. Nik came over after school. The boys played on the ice for awhile before coming inside for their after school snack. I helped Nik build a lego car and he wanted to race it with Jacob and Adam’s lego cars. We went outside to play on the ice until it was time for Nik to go home. The boys continued playing on the ice until close to dinnertime. They had fun hitting ice pieces around with their hockey sticks. Daddy also played on the ice when he got home from work. Now when Eli doesn’t want something (like a certain pacifier) he shakes his head no and says, “Like (I don’t like).” Daddy helped Jacob work on his math work because he was having a hard time adding without using his hands. We played chutes and ladders. Jacob checked out Junie B from the school library and we are reading that chapter book. Eli loves playing with the zipper on his peapod.
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