

Thursday, January 26, 2012


When I woke Eli up this morning I found that he had puked in his bed. Poor guy! Then on our drive home from taking the boys to school he puked in his car seat. We were almost home. He spent the morning in the chair or on my lap. We watched Curious George. I made him some Gatorade slushies which he really liked. After the first one he held up his cup and smiled really big at me hoping for more. Eli had really bad diarrhea and leaked all over the carpet. I held him and he fell asleep. He continued sleeping on the couch while I did my boxing exercise. I woke him when we had to go down the road to get Adam off the bus. Eli did eat some crackers and fruit. He was in and out of the chair this afternoon. We watched Fireman Sam. When Jacob got home from school he wanted to make paper airplanes and origami from our calendar papers. Eli took a nap and I worked on knitting some slippers. Eli didn’t eat anything for dinner but was up and playing some this evening. Jared and I had fun playing Battleship.


Uncle Dee said...

Poor Eli! (Of course, we have entered that phase when I no longer know who you are calling Eli. In his case, there seem to have been several substitutions of other children along the way. Today's lead photos seem to be some other boy than the one we have seen most recently -- who was slightly different from an earlier one.)

And poor Jared! It appears that he lost badly at Battleship. He seems to have met his match!

mom s said...

You sure can tell Eli doesn't feel well in those pictures. Poor little guy. Hope you are all healthy and well now. Such an expression on Jared's face....tells all about the Battleship game.