

Sunday, December 24, 2023


Merry Christmas! 

My Christmas gifts. I'm excited about all of it!  Jared picked out this cute pig to go on top of my decorative storage books.  

 I got up at 7:00 and started the coffee and turned on the oven.  Went back to bed for about an hour.  Eli was sitting in his chair when we got up.  We made cinnamon rolls and had some other goodies for breakfast.  Eli woke up Jacob and then Adam woke up.  Grandma sent us all a message wishing us a Merry Christmas.  There was alot of talk about who got the first message and comparing times.  The boys started with opening their stockings.  In their stockings were small rulers, chapstick, candy, gum, pens, mechanical pencils, refill led, tweezers, socks, electrical tape, sudoku, agate jars (Jacob and Eli), Minifigure display (Adam).  Then the boys handed out gifts in piles.  We opened youngest to oldest taking turns.  We started with Wyatt and the kitties.  New toys for them.  Eli got some headphones, a couple knives, legos, art pens, a sketch book, funny socks, a metal earth ship, and a 15 lb weight.  Adam got some technoblade posters, a technoblade lego minifigure (for his display case),  a technoblade trackpad, a metal earth star wars, a dry erase board, pj pants, wireless gaming headset, and a speed Rubik's cube.  Jacob got some airpod pros, shirts, socks, reeds, a msu lanyard, a airplane metal earth, funny socks, and pjs, and tools.  The tools are metal earth tools but he also likes to use them for his clarinet.  Jared got a couple new pair of jeans, some m&ms, a weather station, a sponge, a flannel, and the complete seasons of Dukes and Hazards.  I got some great new trimming tools and a sharpener, some cute decorative storage books, a cute pig, and a rain gauge. Jared's weather station got put in Jacob's gift pile so it got started by Jacob.  Adam put together his lego display and hung his new things on his bedroom wall.  Jacob spent most of the day working on his metal earth.  Eli enjoyed listening to music and put together his lego set.  He sure loves his new knifes.  Adam finished one of the metal earth that he had been working on and started his new set.  Jared set up his new weather station and enjoyed using that today.  I made rolls and we also had mashed potatoes, corn (from the garden) and ham for Christmas dinner.  It was really yummy!  Jared went to Dan's house to unload the kiln.  The kiln ran a long time so alot of the glazes ran.  Thankfully the plates Bruces mom ordered for Melissa's family turned out.  and the butter dish I made them turned out ok.  They like it so that's good.  Nana and Papa came over this afternoon.  We enjoyed visiting with them until they had to leave.  This evening we watched Dukes of Hazards and then played some bedwars. 

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Lots of Happy faces and nice gifts for Christmas. Looks like a very delicious meal! Special family memories being made that will last a life time. I love you all! Merry Christmas!