

Wednesday, November 1, 2023


Naught cat!

I rushed to pack up the two orders before leaving to take Eli to school but I didn't finish on time. When I got home I noticed that Blaze was digging in my pig planter again!  What a mess!  I put him outside for the day.  He was funny chasing the chicken. I think he enjoyed being outside.   I worked on trimming plates and then trimmed mugs and sponge holders.  Then I added the handles to the mugs.  I dropped Eli off at home before going to pick up Adam.  Adam doesn't eat lunch at school so I always bring him a lunch when I pick him up.  He ate lunch and then we traded seats and he drove the rest of the way home.  He did great.  It's been awhile since he's wanted to drive because of his head hurting.  After dinner Jared and I played 3-13.  I won.  It was a pretty close game.  While we were eating dinner we heard a loud noise from the wax melter.  The bowl on top cracked.  Bummer!  

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