

Thursday, December 1, 2022



This morning I did some online Christmas shopping online.  I enjoyed driving the new van today and Jacob did too.  At 11:15 Jared and I had an IEP meeting for Eli.  Mr Boxey had a family emergency so Mr Goff led the meeting.  Eli is doing good in school.  He doesn't like to use the accommodations he gets with the IEP. His biggest struggle is with written expression.  This afternoon I waxed pots.  Then I started glazing the inside of them.  Jared helped me when he got home from work.  Adam went home with Claire after school today.  They made gingerbread houses and also made melting snowman cookies. They also watched the movie Elf.  We dropped Jacob off for his band practice and then picked Adam up from Claire's house.  Claire came out and gave us a plate of cookies.  Then we headed to Nana's house to meet Kenzie.  Her dog Mylee is staying with us for a few days.  Vikki met us there.  We took a drive around the block in the new van with Mom, Dad and Vikki.  When we got back we decided to play skipbo.  Then Mom remembered she'd lent her skipbo cards to Melissa.  We decided to play skipbo on our phones.  Claire got to play with us too.  We picked Jacob up at 9:30 and then head home.  

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Nice vehicle Jacob's driving. He's looking very handsome and happy. Fun time with you all last night. Funny that we went to play Skip Bo and were so excited than a big let down when we didn't have the cards because we lent them to Melissa. Glad we learned how to play on our phones. Love the pictures of the dogs together.