

Saturday, August 27, 2022


Dad’s candles wouldnt stay lit in the wind. Haha

This was the first Sunday that we didn't have to go back and pick up a kid from the kids area.  Eli now stays in the service with us.  Jared asked Pastor Gene if we could got back and get another kid.  He said , Sure, the parent might be fine with that.  Haha.  We stopped for groceries and then went home to put them away.  We picked up some pizza's on the way to my parents house to celebrate Dad's 74th birthday. Vikki and her family was there. After lunch we went out so I could work on Vikki's car.  Spent a couple hours doing that.  It looks alot better now.  Melissa and her family, Chuck and Sue, Kenzie, and Stacies family all came over.  Mom lit candles but the wind (and Jared) blew them out before she got to Dad.  Haha.  We sang to the birthday boy.  We had a nice time visiting on the deck.  The kids had fun playing together.  We left around 7:00.  Jacob and Eli's first day of school is tomorrow.  Watched tv and had popcorn pop and ice cream. 

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