

Tuesday, September 7, 2021


 I took Adam and Eli to school this morning and dropped some packages off at the post office.  Jacob didn't have to go to Delta today.  He worked on school work.  I threw mugs on the wheel.  Jacob and I played a few games of bed wars on the computer.  Then we played a game of 3-13.  Jacob won -78 to 50.  He had to be to school at 1:00.  This afternoon I shave Wyatt.  When it was time to get the boys the sky was dark and it was really windy.  It started pouring rain when I got to the high school.  It rained hard on the drive home and a tornado warning alarm when off on my phone saying to seek shelter imediately.  A telephone pole was down on the corner of Shaffer and M30 and it was sparking on a tree.  We made it home safely.  There was a lot of thunder and lightning and some hail.  Jared had to shelter in place at work.  I played bed wars with the boys until we lost power.  Jacob got out the generator.  Mom called to say that they had lost power too.  Jared picked up pizza's on the way home.  After dinner we played some bed wars.  Then we went outside to play soccer.  It was Jared and Adam vs Jacob, Eli and I.  

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Your table looks so pretty with the lit candles on it.