We're in the UP!
Setting up camp
Pebble beach

We were on the road heading north around 4 am. The boys were wide awake and talking all the way to the bridge. I slept on and off. We got out to stretch at the gas station across the bridge. The boys watch Tom and Jerry, Garfield and some Tim Hawkins. We had poptarts for breakfast. Around 11:00 we arrived in L'Anse and stopped at the Hilltop for sweet rolls. Eli got fries and choc milk. We stopped in Calumet for pops and got out in Kearsarge to climb on the stone boat. We arrived in Copper Harbor around 2:30 and we took a drive around the campground before checking in. We found a bunch of wood. We spent the next couple hours setting up camp and were done around 5:00. The boys were such a great help. Eli and Daddy set up the tent with a little help frm Adam. We took a walk around the campground and over to Pebble beach. There were a bunch of blueberries along the trail. Back at camp we made sandwiches for dinner. Jacob, Jared, and I played 3-13 and Jared won. Adam and Eli went on a bike ride. We were in bed by 8:00. We were so tired. Daddy read to us from the first Watchers book.
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