

Saturday, December 7, 2019


Dad and his brothers and sisters.  There's a few missing.

Our family with Joey and Crissy.
 Mom and Lourdes

Dad and Aunt Pammie

Opening their gift from Aunt Pammie and Uncle Dick

Today we went to my cousin Joey's wedding reception which was in Lansing, near the capitol.  Joey  was married in Jamaica and we got to see pictures from their wedding.  Vikki and Rody drove in our van with us.  Melissa rode with Mom and Dad.  Aunt Pammie brought surprises for us and for the boys.  She had flown in from London.  She gave us a London ornament, a solar system bracelet, wooden shoes ornament and some magnetic balls for the boys.  She was disappointment that the boys weren't at the party.  The boys had so much fun playing with the magnetic balls this evening. 

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