

Saturday, January 26, 2019


Bald eagles.  There was one adult and two immature eagles. 

During the night Jared remembered that he hadn't filled the pellet burner.  He got up to fill it and noticed that the water pipes were frozen.  He put a heater in the crawlspace and went outside to the water tank room and turned the heater on in there.  It was -11 outside - burr.  Adam and Jared went to get our Saturday goodies.  We played a couple up and down 3-13 games and I won both.  It was very close for Jacob in the first game and Jared in the second.  Saw some bald eagles in the field near our house.  I walked out towards them to get a closer picture but they flew into a tree.

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Happy your pipes didn't freeze. So cold out!