

Sunday, September 23, 2018


After church Lane came home with us.  After lunch we had a nerf war.  Then the boys played on the sandhill for awhile and then played in the leaves.  Around 4:00 Jared took Lane home.  We took a walk in the woods with Jacob.  His arm is really bothering him.  This evening Jared took him to the hospital to make sure it wasn't broken.  They were there a few hours.  They took x-rays and don't think its broken but because of his growth plates a break could be missed.  If its still hurting in a week we have to take him to the dr.  They said its a bad sprain and wrapped it.

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Happy they don'g think his arm is broken. Praying it's not and that the pain goes away quickly. Sprains hurt bad. Love being your pictures