

Saturday, November 21, 2015


Today we celebrated Thanksgiving at my parents house.  Jacob was really excited to bring his clarinet and play for family.  Nana gave him this stand which was Kenzie's and he was really excited about it. 

Watching Space Buddies

Today we got our first snow and the kids had a lot of fun playing in it.

Max stood so still and was actually touching these birds as they came to the feeder.

Adam made a snowman

Playing Apples to Apples

Uncle Bruce showing Jacob some clarinet videos

Nana made hot chocolate for the kids

Isaac and Sue

Playing Pictionary

Isaac is teasing Uncle Jared and wearing his shoes.

None of us could find our ice scrapers and when we asked my parents for theirs they couldn't find it.    Brooms will work, Haha

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Lots of good pictures. I borrowed some. Thanks. Sure had fun and sure loved hearing Jacob play his clarinet. Amazing how good he is and how many songs he knows already.