Happy Valentines boys!
Happy Birthday Daddy!

Jared had to leave a little early for work this morning. He opened his birthday presents before he left. The boys and I had waffles for breakfast. Today was pj day at Adams school. He was excited to wear his camo pjs but thought his teacher might not be able to see him. At home I decorated a heart cake for Jared. When Eli stubs his toe or hurts his foot he sits down and kisses it. Jared got home from work around noon. He brought me a pretty african violet plant. I tucked Eli in for a nap. Jared went down to get Adam off the bus. Adam said, "you know what we did after small group? It was really fun! We got to go outside!" He also said they sat at two tables and passed out valentines. He said,"some of us passed out goodies and some of us passed out cards." He was really excited to show us his bag of valentines. After he finished his lunch he decorated a little heart cake with some left over tubes of frosting. Jacob was surprised to see daddy when he got off the bus today. He dumped his bag of valentines and goodies to show us. Then jared and I gave he boys valentines bags. They got paints matchbox cars small balloons and some goodies. Eli also got some heart sunglasses. The boys did some painting until dinner time. Eli colored with markers. We made pizza for dinner. This evening we went to a pack meeting for cub scouts and got home from that around 8:00. After the boys were tucked in bed Jared and I made popcorn and watched A Knights Tale.
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