

Friday, January 31, 2020


Making mac-n-cheese

Today was a half day at school.  Eli met me in the cafeteria at the end of the day.  Jacob and Adam were waiting in the van.  At home Eli found a couple eggs in the coop and he cooked them up for lunch.  He also made some mac-n-cheese.  Jacob said he made some good mac-n-cheese.  We went to Nana and Papa's house for a few hours.  Aunt Bippi and the kids came over too.  We played a game of Ticket to Ride.  Had to leave so we could get Jacob to school for Pep band.  After dinner we played Ticket to Ride with Adam.  Adam won again.

Thursday, January 30, 2020


Bald eagle near our mailbox

When the boys got home from school Eli worked on spelling words and some other homework.  Adam and I played Sratego and I won.  After dinner we played Ticket to Ride with Adam.  I won.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020


Adam woke up this morning and was feeling better and didn't have a fever.  He was feeling good off and on at school.  Had a really sore throat and a fever when he got home from school.  After meds his fever went down.  He ate dinner and played Ticket to Ride.  Eli and I played minecraft together. Then Daddy, Adam and Jacob joined and played minecraft. After dinner we played Ticket to Ride and I won.  We watched a Beverly Hillbillies before bed.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020



When the boys got home from school Eli and I went to the barn to check on the sheep.  Eli was excited to let the lambs and Fyrne out of their stall.  Daisy was butting and chasing Fyrne but they settled down quickly.  Adam and Jacob joined to played minecraft.  Then Eli and I played.  After dinner we played Ticket to Ride and Daddy won.  I came in last.  We had fun!  Adam isn't feeling well at all.  He has a fever, a sore throat and a bad headache.  We watched Beverly Hillbillies before bed.

Monday, January 27, 2020


Adam won.  

Eli got a surprise in the mail from Grandma and Grandpa!!  Thank you!!

He's a happy boy!!

Bracing - haha

Eli and "Queen"

"Queen" getting tail docked and ear tagged

"Blackouts" turn

This evening I had a dinner at Lucky's steakhouse with my coworkers.  Got home around 8:30.

Sunday, January 26, 2020


Making freezer jelly

This morning I trimmed pots and put on a couple handles before we had to leave or church.  This afternoon we had pizza and watched Beverly Hillbillies.  Then we worked more on trimming pots.  While our handles were drying we played a game of Ticket to Ride with Adam.  Adam won.  The boys and Daddy played minecraft.  Then Adam helped me make some freezer jelly.  Adam and Eli had crushed strawberries and whip cream.  This evening we had popcorn pop and ice cream and watched Beverly Hillbillies.

Friday, January 24, 2020


Eli thought one of the lambs looked thin.  He held Fyrne while I helped the lamb nurse.  She was very hungry.  Later Eli helped me weigh her and she's gaining.  

Adam had a headache and a fever and went to bed early.

Jacob had pep band today.  He got back around 9:00 and we watched Beverly Hillbillies.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020


I came home from work and went out to check on the sheep.  Fryne was laying down by the hay where she's been for the last few days.  She was acting droopy and didn't want to get up.  She was sniffing her sides and has some mucous.  I went inside for about 20 minutes and came back out to check on her.  She was laying down and there was a lamb coming.  I had to break the water bag because it looked like just a head.  The lamb was coming with one foot back and the other hiding under its chin.   She wouldn't be able to deliver such a large lamb in that position.  I called Jared and he headed home.  I got the snare cords out and put one on the lambs leg and on on its head.  Then I pushed it back against her contractions.  Once back in I searched for the missing leg.  I could feel several legs so I pulled the one I though belonged to this lamb.  Once the lamb was in the correct position I helped her deliver it.  I put the lamb by her head and she started licking it.  It wasn't long before the next lamb was coming.  Its elbows were stuck so I straightened them.  When Jared got home we moved them into the stall.  We tubed them some colostrum.  They are healthy twin girls.  They weigh 10.7 and 11.9 lbs. We gave Fryne some warm molasses water and she sure liked that.  I stayed home to clean thing up and do laundry.  Jared went to school to get the boys.  Adam saw it was Daddy and asked, "Is there lambs?"  When they got home Eli ran straight to the barn so he could see the new lambs.  He loved holding them even though they were still wet.  The boy and Daddy played minecraft.  Then Daddy and I played a game of Ticket to Ride.  This evening we went to the Midland forest sledding hill.  The boys had such a great time sledding.  We came home and made taco's for dinner.