

Sunday, June 30, 2019


We overslept this morning so had to hurry to get ready for church.  After church we got groceries and pizza.  After lunch the we went for a swim.  Had fun played with some new bouncy balls in the pool. The boys worked with their sheep after swimming.  Then it was time for popcorn pop and ice cream.  We watched the lego batman movie.  The boys worked with their sheep again.  Then we went for a walk in the woods.  Wyatt found a baby Warbling vireo bird.  We fed it a couple worms.  Then took it back into the woods and set it on a tree.  Its parent came to the tree we put it in.  The baby bird was chirping loudly.  Eli named him "Chirp."

Saturday, June 29, 2019


Sheep oreo. 

This afternoon we took a trip to Boehler's greenhouse.  We brought home a clematis and also got a light pink bergamot.   Went for a swim with the boys after dinner.

Friday, June 28, 2019


The was a thunderstorm this morning and we got 1.5 inches of rain.  I headed to the campground this morning.  After lunch we went swimming.  Later we took a walk around the campground.  Nana had to take Melissa to therapy so she was gone until this afternoon.  Papa came back to the campground with Nana.  He played 3-13 with Jacob and Adam and then they played putt putt.  Eli, Isaac and Peyton went fishing.  They caught a couple fish.  On the way home we stopped at Kohl's and Walmart to get some flip flops for the boys.  Eli also needed a new pair of shoes.  We also went to Home Depot to get a trellis.  At a late dinner when we got home.

Thursday, June 27, 2019


The boys are spending the night at the campground tonight with Nana and Aunt Bippi.  We got to the campground around 11:00 but my Mom and Vikki were gone.  I called them and they had forgotten we were coming up today.  They had just arrived in Tawas.  We decided we'd drive up to Tawas and spend the day with them.  We first walked the beautiful boat dock.  It was a warm day but felt nice with the breeze off the lake.  We then walked to Gi's pizza and ate lunch in their porch area where dogs are allowed.  We had Wyatt and Lucy with us and they brought the dogs some water.  Thank you Nana for treating us to lunch!!  We then walked around the shops which are also dog friendly.  Nana gave the kids each $4 to spend.  Eli bought a wooden sword and Jacob and Adam got some candy.  We then headed to Oscoda to swim at the beach.  The water was very cold but the kids didn't seem to mind.  Vikki and I took a couple quick dips in the water.  We stopped at Tim Hortons on our way back to camp.  Saw a porcupine cross the road.  I got home around 10pm.  Jared and I watched a movie before bed.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019


The boys worked with their sheep this morning while it was still cool.  They went to the woods to work in their fort but didn't stay out there long.  They came and sat with me on the deck.  The three oldest boys laughed when they noticed they were matching and Eli decided to change into red too.  We saw a bluebird busy at one of the houses. The boys went for a swim.  Jacob's new fitbit versa watch arrived today.  He got out of the pool to get it set up.  After lunch the boys and I went for a swim.  Then they came in to play minecraft.  Bruce came to pick up Max after he got out of work.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019


I had a 3:00 dentist appointment in Saginaw today.  We went early and got to hang out at Melissa's house.  We sat on the swing and visited.  The boys had fun playing gaga ball in the trampoline and played in the basement.  They stayed with Aunt Missy while I went to my appointment.  Max came home to spent the night with us.  We stopped for drinks at 7 eleven on the way home.  After dinner the boys played in the pool. Max took a warm shower and the boys worked with their sheep.  Then we watched the new Lego movie and had popcorn and ice cream.

Monday, June 24, 2019


Eli's favorite lunch, spaghettios and salad.

We made a new catch pen in the sheep's favorite spot.

It was a rainy day.  This afternoon the boys and I worked on building a new catch pen for the lambs.  There was a bunch of sheet metal we had to move first.  Then we went for a swim.  It was very cold but we got used to it and had fun playing our tag game.  I worked in the garden.  This evening we went to a 4H meeting to fill out paperwork for the fair.  Stopped for coffees at Tim Horton's on the way home.  Took a drive by our old house in town.  Got some gravel from Lowes to put at the end of our splash blocks because the gutter water moves the sand.

Sunday, June 23, 2019


Eli was cold after swimming

This is Eli's sheep, Dob.

She was the craziest sheep we've ever sheared.  We had to finish her laying down because she'd rather hang by her head than stand.

 The boys were laughing and said their sheep look like goats

After church we got groceries and pizza.  This afternoon Jared and I sheared the boys 4H lambs.  Adam and Eli went swimming in the pool.  The water was cold.  There is a wren using on of our new bird houses.