

Sunday, December 31, 2017


We played some games of 3-13 this morning.  Eli beat me by 1 point.  Adam and Eli's throats are feeling a little better.  We went to town for groceries and got pizza for lunch.  The boys had fun playing with nerf guns this afternoon.  We played some more 3-13 games.  Made pizza, had snacks watched tv until midnight.  The boys stayed up late but Jared and I went to bed are 12:30am.

Saturday, December 30, 2017


Jared and I woke up during the night and we both though it was time to get up.  It was only 2am!  Our throats were really hurting.  I got up and took some medicine because my sore throat was keeping me awake.  I finally went back to sleep after about an hour.  Jared went to ready med this morning to see if we have strep throat but the dr says its viral.  Jacob, Adam and I played a game of 3-13.  When Eli woke up we watched Nova.  Jared came home with Saturday drinks and goodies.  Adam, Eli, and my bagels which were supposed to be plain toasted with butter all had cream cheese on them.  Jacob and I played another game of 3-13.  This afternoon Jared and I finished getting the barn ready for lambing.  We also shaved all the ewe's back ends and around their utters.  We vaccinated and wormed the suffolk ewes and also Francis and Han.  We also got the creap feed area ready for lambs and opened the barn to the ewes.  We got a humidifier today and the boys are fascinated with it.  Jacob and I played a game of 3-13 and he won.  My score was 93 and his was -105.  He went out every time but once. He saved this score sheet to hang on the wall by his bed.  This evening Eli cuddled on my lap and we watched Nova.

Friday, December 29, 2017


Jacob and Eli watched Brain Games this morning.  Adam crawled into our bed and slept there until almost 10:00!  We played some games of 3-13 until lunchtime.  After lunch Adam and Eli played minecraft on the computer.  Jacob and I played 3-13.  Then Jacob played minecraft.  Adam and Eli played with army men. I cleaned out the sheep cabinet and got out the lambing supplies.  I got everything washed and ready and made a list of things needed.  Jacob, Eli and I played 3-13.  I ended with 178, Eli had 125 and Jacob won with a -85!  He kept the score sheet and hung it on his wall by his bed.  This evening we watched Nova on PBS about elements.  Then we all played a game of 3-13 and Daddy won.  We still have very bad sore throats.

Thursday, December 28, 2017


The boys were up around 8:30.  We watched Nova about dinosaurs on PBS.  Jacob and I played a couple games of 3-13.  Adam and Eli played with legos.  Then Adam and I played a game of 3-13 while Jacob and Eli played minecraft together on the computer.  Adam played minecraft and Jacob worked on a bracelet.  Eli and I played 3-13.  Nik came over for a few hours.  Jared came home from work a little early because he wasn’t feeling well.  He joined me in a nerf battle against the boys.  Then the boys went outside to play in the snow for Nik’s last hour.  This evening we watched Nova.  Then Adam and Eli played with legos and Jared, Jacob, and I played a game of 3-13.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017


Taking down the tree

The boys and I went shopping this afternoon.  Jared got out of work early and met me at the store.  Jared and Adam left to take a package to the post office and pick up an order from another store.  Today we took down the Christmas tree and decorations.  This evening we had another super fun nerf battle. 

Tuesday, December 26, 2017


Jacob is the only one not sick.  We all have very sore throats.  Adam and I went to the store for groceries and also stopped at TSC to exchange his muck boots for a bigger size.  At home we watched When Calls the heart.  Daddy and the boys played a game of cards and I rested.  This evening we went to the theater to watch the new Star Wars movie which we all enjoyed.  

Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas

Jared and I didn't sleep very good last night.  Jared's ears were bothering him and my throat was super sore.  Jared went out to the van during the night to get me some tylenol so I could alternate between that and ibuprofen.  Adam came into our bedroom around 3am and was wide awake for a couple hours.  We got up around 6:30 and Adam and Eli woke up with us.  Their colds were bothering them so I gave them some ibuprofen.  Jared got some banana bread baking in the oven.  Eli worked on building his minecraft lego set.  After a little while Adam went in the bedroom and woke up Jacob.  The boys started by opening their stockings which had a matchbox car, gel pens, duck tape, a couple decks of cards and a card holder, a notebook, glue, glow sticks, m&m's and gum.  Before Eli opened his gum he said, "This is definitely going to be gum because I can smell it."   Then we took turns opening gifts. The boys all got legos, nerf guns, nerf rival refill darts, and muck boots. Jacob got a plasma lamp and Adam and Eli got army men.  Daddy got some legos, a nerf gun, some t-shirts, a headlamp, and a glaze mixer blade.  I got a new case for my clippers (a tool box which Jared decorated),  socks, a coffee grinder, and a travel mug.  The next several hours were spent putting lego sets together, shooting nerf guns, and playing 3-13.  Daddy helped Eli find pieces as he put together his big lego set. Jacob kept saying thank you and telling us how much he loved his gifts. We ate around 1:00 and then the boys played on the computer.  Daddy had to go to Darren's house to take care of his cats.  Nana and Papa came over for a couple hours this afternoon.  We visited and then played 3-13.  Papa and Jacob played a game and Nana, Adam and I played.  Daddy helped Eli continue working on his ninjago set. Papa tried Jacob's big nerf gun and liked it.  As Nana and Papa were leaving we found the lamps put at the end of our driveway haha.  Eli finished putting his set together and then we had popcorn and watched When Calls the Heart.  This evening we had a super fun nerf gun battle.  Some of our battles were in the dark and some with lights on.  If we got hit we had to yell “hit” out loud.  The boys got in bed around 10:00 and kept saying that nerf battle was so much fun!