Silly boy
I was getting things ready for our trip to the splash park and came out to find the boys swinging their little brother. Eli loved it!
Vikki and the kids met us at the splash park near the tridge this afternoon. It was a warm day (low 90's). The kids had such a great time!
This was Peyton and Isaac first trip to the splash park. They were nervous at first but it didn't take them long to join in on the fun.
Adam really loves the "babies".
After a couple hours by the tridge we headed down the road to another smaller splash park.
Jacob sneezing in the first picture. He thought this picture was so funny - haha. Eli got his thumb slammed in the button for the sprayer - poor guy. He was tired and didn't want to be in the picture. Eli fell asleep in the van on the drive home.
Isaac really wanted to pick this up.
Peytong looking cute.