

Monday, April 1, 2024


Packages to take today
Hope sent this pic to Adam of her using her new mug
Eli loves holding Rehvyn, even if he's crying

 Adam and I headed to Nana's house this morning.   We stopped at the post office to drop off a bunch of packages.  I'm glad Adam was there to help.  Today is the boys last day of spring break.  Vikki and the kids got there soon after we did.  Adam went down to the basement to use the treadmill.  Kenzie came over and brought Mylee and Rehvyn.  Mylee is staying with us while Kenzie and Travis are gone to Texas.  Rehvyn is staying with his Grammy.  We were all happy to spend time with Rehvyn.  We warmed up Easter leftovers for lunch.  Melissa and the boys came over too.  At 2:00 I left to take Adam and Mylee home.  Vikki and Peyton rode with us.  Adam is going to Hope's house to watch the Mario movie.  He stayed to have dinner with them and helped them finish a puzzle.  Vikki Peyton and I headed back to my parent's house.  We enjoyed visiting and playing with Rehvyn.  The boys had fun in the basement and playing outside.   We left around 6:00 and headed home.  Stopped at the Dollar store to get a poster board for Adam.  I didnt' realized that there were two stuck together until I got home.  We stopped at McDonalds on the way home and Eli got something to eat.  This evening we watched Dr Quinn.  Adam  got home around 9:30 had said he had alot of fun.  We got at least a half an inch of snow.   Jared and I played a game of 3-13.  Jared won by 3 points!  

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Happy Easter

The boys had fun welcoming people to church.  
Mom knows how to make a day special!
Food table

I got up early this morning to make the dough into rolls and put them on a pan to rise.  Then I went back to bed for about an hour.  We woke the boys around 7:30.  They had fun searching for Easter eggs and  looking for their Easter baskets.  We went to church early this morning because our family is holding welcome signs for those coming into church.  It was cold but we had alot of fun waving and welcoming everyone to church.  We went in a few minutes after church started.   We warmed up with some coffee. The church was full so we couldn't find seats until after the kids left.  We were also the welcoming crew for the second service.  Jared told Pastor Gene that was the easiest $175 he ever made. Haha.  After church we went home to change and then headed to Nana and Papa's house.  My sisters and their families and Stacie and her family were there.  Kenzie, Travis and Rehvyn came late because they had to go to Kenzie's other Grandma's house.  Charlie and Sue couldn't come this year because Sue just had knee replacement surgery.  Mom had everything ready to go.  Jared and I made the mashed potatoes when Mom told us it was time.  Everything was so good!  After eating the guys hid the Easter baskets.  Some of the kids chose to get money instead of a basket from Nana and Papa.  Then the Dads took all the plastic eggs and hid them all over the yard.  Jacob and Adam had more fun trying to get all the eggs before Hailey could get them.  They started this last year when she had a broken foot and said its become a tradition.  Nana felt sorry for Hailey and collected eggs for her.  Haha. Nana to the rescue!  There was yummy pie's for desert.  We had apple, banana cream, and chocolate pie.  The boys played outside for a long time with the gelfire nerf guns.  They also had fun playing in the basement.  Melissa and I rode with Mom to take food to Charlie and Sue.  Mom struggled to get out of her garage with vehicles parked behind her.  Jared sure was enjoying watching her try.  She got out and asked Jared to do it.  Melissa said, "I think this is the first time I've felt safer with you (Jared) than with Mom."  Haha.  Mom only put one dent in her galvanized trash can when she was trying to get out.  We visited with Chuck and Sue for awhile before leaving.  Eli went home with Aunt Missy's family to spend the night.   On our way home we stopped at Meijer.  Jacob and I went in to get him some snacks for his dorm room.  He also needed a blue dress shirt.  Jared took Jacob back to Lansing this evening.  I stayed home with Adam and worked on packing up a bunch of pottery orders.  Jared got home around 11:30.